
434 lines
16 KiB

;;; mattermost.el --- An Emacs Mattermost Chat Client
;; Author: Miguel de la Cruz (
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((websocket))
;; Keywords: Mattermost, chat, client, Internet
;;; Code:
(require 'websocket)
(defgroup mattermost nil
"Mattermost chat client"
:prefix "mattermost-"
:group 'applications)
(defcustom mattermost-login-id ""
"The username or email to log in the Mattermost server"
:group 'mattermost
:type 'string)
(defcustom mattermost-host ""
"The hostname of the Mattermost server"
:group 'mattermost
:type 'string)
;; ToDo: internal variables should be prefixed with mattermost--
;; instead?
(defvar mattermost-users-plist '()
"A plist with the server users by id")
(defvar mattermost-token nil
"The user token to access the server")
(defvar mattermost-user-id nil
"The ID of the authenticated user")
(defvar mattermost-websocket nil
"The websocket connected to the server")
(defvar mattermost-buffers '()
"Plist with all the open channel buffers")
(defvar-local mattermost-prompt-marker nil
"The marker that shows where the prompt starts")
(defvar-local mattermost-insert-marker nil
"The marker that shows where a new message should be inserted")
(defvar-local mattermost-channel-id nil
"The buffer channel ID")
(defconst mattermost-root-buffer-name "*Mattermost Root*"
"The name of the root buffer")
;; ToDo: probably not the best way to get a keyword from a string
(defun mattermost-string->keyword (str)
"Returns a keyword from a string"
(intern (concat ":" str)))
(defun mattermost-json-parse-string (string)
"Parses a JSON string"
(insert string)
(defun mattermost-read-json ()
"Parses the JSON in the current buffer after a url-request"
(let ((json-object-type 'plist)
(json-array-type 'list)
(json-key-type 'keyword))
(set-buffer-multibyte t)
(if (boundp 'url-http-end-of-headers)
(goto-char url-http-end-of-headers))
(defun mattermost-read-password ()
"Reads the password from the auth-source"
(let ((res (auth-source-search :max 1 :host mattermost-host :user mattermost-login-id)))
(if (and (listp res) (= (length res) 1))
(let ((secret (plist-get (car res) :secret)))
(if (functionp secret)
(funcall secret)
(defun mattermost--get-user (user-id)
"Returns the user from the internal cache and fills the cache
if the user is not present"
(let* ((user-id-keyword (mattermost-string->keyword user-id))
(user (plist-get mattermost-users-plist user-id-keyword)))
(if (not user)
(let ((user (mattermost-get-user user-id)))
(setq mattermost-users-plist (plist-put mattermost-users-plist user-id-keyword user))
(defun mattermost--get-auth-challenge ()
"Returns the JSON representation of the websocket authentication challenge"
(json-encode `(:seq 1
:action "authentication_challenge"
:data (:token ,mattermost-token))))
(defun mattermost--ws-posted-to-post (msg)
"Extracts the post from a ws posted frame and transforms it to
conform to a post plist"
(let* ((post (plist-get (plist-get msg :data) :post)))
(mattermost-json-parse-string post)))
(defun mattermost--process-ws-posted (msg)
"Processes a websocket posted message"
(let* ((channel-name (plist-get (plist-get msg :data) :channel_name))
(channel-display-name (plist-get (plist-get msg :data) :channel_display_name))
(post (mattermost--ws-posted-to-post msg))
(channel-id (plist-get post :channel_id))
(chanb (plist-get mattermost-buffers (mattermost-string->keyword channel-id))))
;; ToDo: check if buffer not deleted or better, hook into kill
;; buffer hook on mattermost-channel-mode and remove buffer from
;; mattermost-buffers variable so it's not found
(if (not (null chanb))
;; If chanb not current buffer, add a notification, maybe both
;; in the modeline and in a buffer chan -> notif
(with-current-buffer chanb
(goto-char mattermost-insert-marker)
(mattermost-insert-post post))))))
(defun mattermost--process-ws-frame (_ws frame)
"Processes a websocket frame"
(let* ((text (websocket-frame-text frame))
(msg (mattermost-json-parse-string text))
(event (plist-get msg :event)))
(cond ((string= event "posted") (mattermost--process-ws-posted msg))
(t (lwarn 'mattermost :debug (format "INCOMING> %s" msg))))))
(defun mattermost--connect-websocket ()
"Returns a websocket configured to connect to the Mattermost
host and to dispatch and process the incoming messages"
(websocket-open (format "wss://%s/api/v4/websocket" mattermost-host)
:on-open (lambda (ws)
(websocket-send-text ws (mattermost--get-auth-challenge)))
:on-message 'mattermost--process-ws-frame
:on-close (lambda (ws)
(lwarn 'mattermost :debug "websocket connection closed"))))
;; ToDo: once mattermost-request parses headers, use it to fetch both
;; the user (set the id to a local var) and the headers (set the
;; token)
(defun mattermost-login (username password)
"Log into the Mattermost Server"
(let ((url-request-method "POST")
(url-request-extra-headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/json")))
(url-request-data (json-serialize `(:login_id ,username :password ,password))))
(with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously (concat "https://" mattermost-host "/api/v4/users/login"))
(search-forward "Token: ")
(let ((token (word-at-point))
(response (mattermost-read-json)))
(setq mattermost-token token)
(setq mattermost-user-id (plist-get response :id))
(setq mattermost-websocket (mattermost--connect-websocket))
;; ToDo: update to parse headers as well
(defun mattermost-request (method url &optional body)
"Builds a Mattermost request and returns the JSON response"
(let ((url-request-method method)
(url-request-extra-headers `(("Content-Type" . "application/json")))
(url-request-data (if body (encode-coding-string (json-serialize body) 'utf-8))))
(if mattermost-token
(add-to-list 'url-request-extra-headers `("Authorization" . ,(concat "Bearer " mattermost-token))))
(with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously (concat "https://" mattermost-host "/api/v4" url) t)
(defun mattermost-get-user (user-id)
"Returns the user information"
(mattermost-request "GET" (format "/users/%s" user-id)))
(defun mattermost-get-teams ()
"Returns the user's team list"
(mattermost-request "GET" "/teams"))
(defun mattermost-get-channels (team-id)
"Returns the user's channel for a given team"
(let ((url (format "/users/%s/teams/%s/channels" mattermost-user-id team-id)))
(mattermost-request "GET" url)))
(defun mattermost-get-channel-messages (channel-id &optional page per-page)
"Returns a list of posts for a given channel"
(let ((url (format "/channels/%s/posts" channel-id)))
(mattermost-request "GET" url)))
(define-button-type 'mattermost-channel
'face 'default
'mouse-face 'nil
'read-only t
'rear-sticky t
'front-sticky t
'action #'(lambda (b)
(let* ((channel (button-get b 'channel)))
(mattermost-show-channel channel))))
(defun mattermost-create-post (message channel-id)
"Creates a post on a channel"
(mattermost-request "POST" "/posts" `(:channel_id ,channel-id :message ,message)))
(defun mattermost--get-channel-display-name (channel)
"Returns the string to be used as channel display name"
(let ((channel-display-name (plist-get channel :display_name))
(channel-name (plist-get channel :name))
(channel-type (plist-get channel :type)))
(cond ((string= channel-type "D")
(let* ((direct-message-user-id (car (split-string channel-name "__")))
(user (mattermost--get-user direct-message-user-id)))
(format "@%s" (plist-get user :username))))
(t (if (string-empty-p channel-display-name)
(defun mattermost-insert-channel (channel)
"Inserts a channel button in the current buffer"
(let* ((name (mattermost--get-channel-display-name channel)))
(insert-text-button (format "> %s\n" name)
:type 'mattermost-channel
'channel channel)))
;; ToDo: when root buffer is closed, disconnect
(defun mattermost-show-root ()
"Populates the Mattermost Root buffer and changes to it"
(let ((rootb (get-buffer-create mattermost-root-buffer-name)))
(with-current-buffer rootb
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(teams (mattermost-get-teams)))
(dolist (team teams)
(let* ((team-id (plist-get team :id))
(team-display-name (plist-get team :display_name))
(channels (mattermost-get-channels team-id)))
(insert (format "%s\n" team-display-name))
(dolist (channel channels)
(mattermost-insert-channel channel))))))
(switch-to-buffer rootb)
(defvar mattermost-root-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "n") #'next-line)
(define-key map (kbd "p") #'previous-line)
(define-key map (kbd "q") #'bury-buffer)
(define-key map (kbd "g") #'mattermost-show-root)
"The keymap for mattermost-root-mode")
(define-derived-mode mattermost-root-mode fundamental-mode "Mattermost Root"
"Mode to list the Mattermost teams and channels to allow the
user to check their status and select between them")
(defun mattermost--kill-root-function ()
"Function to call when the Mattermost root buffer is killed"
(when (eq major-mode 'mattermost-root-mode)
(defvar mattermost-username-button-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(set-keymap-parent map button-map)
(define-key map (kbd "n") #'next-line)
(define-key map (kbd "p") #'previous-line)
(define-button-type 'mattermost-username
'face 'bold
'mouse-face 'nil
'read-only t
'rear-sticky t
'front-sticky t
'keymap mattermost-username-button-map
'action #'(lambda (b)
(let* ((user (button-get b 'user)))
(message "action for user %s!" (plist-get user :username)))))
(defvar mattermost-post-button-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(set-keymap-parent map button-map)
(define-key map (kbd "n") #'next-line)
(define-key map (kbd "p") #'previous-line)
(define-button-type 'mattermost-post
'face 'default
'mouse-face 'nil
'read-only t
'rear-sticky t
'front-sticky t
'keymap mattermost-post-button-map
'action #'(lambda (b)
(let* ((post (button-get b 'post)))
(message "action for post %s!" (plist-get post :id)))))
(defun mattermost-insert-post (post)
"Inserts a post message in the current buffer"
(let* ((inhibit-read-only t)
(user-id (plist-get post :user_id))
(user (mattermost--get-user user-id))
(username (plist-get user :username))
(msg (plist-get post :message))
(username-text (format "[%s]" username))
(post-text (format " %s\n" msg)))
(insert-before-markers username-text)
(make-text-button (- (point) (length username-text)) (point)
:type 'mattermost-username
'user user)
(insert-before-markers post-text)
(make-text-button (- (point) (length post-text)) (point)
:type 'mattermost-post
'post post)))
(defun mattermost-prompt ()
"Shows the message prompt"
(set-marker mattermost-insert-marker (point))
(setq prompt (propertize ">> "
'rear-nonsticky t
'field t
'front-sticky t
'read-only t))
(put-text-property 0 (1- (length prompt))
'font-lock-face 'bold
(insert prompt)
(set-marker mattermost-prompt-marker (point)))
(defun mattermost-channel-ret ()
"Sends the post if on the input field or the button action
(if (> (point) mattermost-prompt-marker)
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(msg (field-string-no-properties (point))))
(mattermost-create-post msg mattermost-channel-id)
(delete-field (point)))))
(defvar mattermost-channel-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "C-<return>") 'newline)
(define-key map (kbd "C-m") 'mattermost-channel-ret)
"The keymap for mattermost-channel-mode")
(define-derived-mode mattermost-channel-mode fundamental-mode "Mattermost Channel"
"Mode use on a Mattermost channel buffer, that shows the
messages of the channel and allows the user to post theirs")
(defun mattermost--kill-buffer-function ()
"Function to call when a Mattermost buffer is killed"
(when (eq major-mode 'mattermost-channel-mode)
(setq mattermost-buffers
(plist-put mattermost-buffers (mattermost-string->keyword mattermost-channel-id) nil))))
;; ToDo: should we receive just a channel id and fetch the channel
;; data?
(defun mattermost-show-channel (channel)
"Populates the channel buffer with posts and the prompt"
(let* ((inhibit-read-only t)
(id (plist-get channel :id))
(name (mattermost--get-channel-display-name channel))
(chanb (get-buffer-create (format "> %s <" name))))
;; ToDo: somehow check if the buffer already exists to populate it
;; only if it doesn't
(with-current-buffer chanb
(let* ((resp (mattermost-get-channel-messages id))
(order (seq-reverse (plist-get resp :order)))
(posts (plist-get resp :posts)))
(dolist (post-id order)
(let* ((post (plist-get posts (mattermost-string->keyword post-id))))
(mattermost-insert-post post))))
(setq mattermost-buffers
(plist-put mattermost-buffers (mattermost-string->keyword id) chanb))
(switch-to-buffer chanb)
(setq mattermost-channel-id id)
(setq mattermost-prompt-marker (make-marker))
(setq mattermost-insert-marker (make-marker))
(defun mattermost ()
"Connect to a Mattermost instance"
(if (string-empty-p mattermost-login-id)
;; ToDo: throw error here
(lwarn 'mattermost :error "`mattermost-login-id` cannot be empty"))
(if (string-empty-p mattermost-host)
;; ToDo: throw error here
(lwarn 'mattermost :error "`mattermost-host` cannot be empty"))
(let ((password (mattermost-read-password)))
(mattermost-login mattermost-login-id password))
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'mattermost--kill-root-function)
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'mattermost--kill-buffer-function)
(defun mattermost--kill-all-buffers ()
"Kills all Mattermost related buffers"
(remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'mattermost--kill-root-function)
(remove-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'mattermost--kill-buffer-function)
(while (car mattermost-buffers)
(let ((buf (car (cdr mattermost-buffers)))
(tail (cddr mattermost-buffers)))
(setq mattermost-buffers tail)
(kill-buffer buf)))
(setq mattermost-buffers '())
(unless (null (get-buffer mattermost-root-buffer-name))
(kill-buffer mattermost-root-buffer-name)))
(defun mattermost-disconnect ()
"Closes the connection with the Mattermost server"
(unless (null mattermost-websocket)
(websocket-close mattermost-websocket))
(setq mattermost-token nil
mattermost-user-id nil
mattermost-websocket nil))
(provide 'mattermost)
;;; mattermost.el ends here