package cmd import ( "bufio" "fmt" "os" "strings" "" "" "" ) func InitCmd() *cobra.Command { cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "init", Short: "Creates a campaign", Long: "Creates a new campaign in the current directory", Example: ` campaigner init \ --jira-username johndoe \ --jira-token secret \ --github-token TOKEN \ --url \ --epic ASD-27 \ --issue-type Story \ --repository johndoe/awesomeproject \ -l 'Area/API' -l 'Tech/Go' \ --summary 'Refactor {{.function}} to inject the configuration service' \ --issue-template ./refactor-config.tmpl \ --footer-template ./github-footer.tmpl `, Args: cobra.NoArgs, Run: initCmdF, } cmd.Flags().String("jira-username", "", "the jira username") cmd.Flags().String("jira-token", "", "the jira token or password") cmd.Flags().String("github-token", "", "the github token") cmd.Flags().StringP("url", "u", "", "the jira server URL") cmd.Flags().StringP("epic", "e", "", "the epic id to associate this campaign with") cmd.Flags().StringP("repository", "r", "", "the github repository") cmd.Flags().StringSliceP("label", "l", []string{}, "the labels to add to the Github issues") cmd.Flags().StringP("summary", "s", "", "the summary of the tickets") cmd.Flags().StringP("issue-template", "t", "", "the template path for the description of the tickets") cmd.Flags().StringP("footer-template", "f", "", "the template path to append to the github issues as a footer") cmd.Flags().StringP("issue-type", "i", "Story", "the issue type to create the tickets as") return cmd } func initCmdF(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) { campaignPath, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("campaign") _, err := os.Stat(campaignPath) if err == nil { ErrorAndExit(cmd, fmt.Errorf("cannot use %s as campaign file: file already exists", campaignPath)) } else if !os.IsNotExist(err) { ErrorAndExit(cmd, fmt.Errorf("cannot use %s as campaign file: %w", campaignPath, err)) } getStringFlagOrAskIfEmpty := func(name string, question string) string { val, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString(name) if val == "" { reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) fmt.Printf("%s ", question) answer, err := reader.ReadString('\n') if err != nil { ErrorAndExit(cmd, err) } val = strings.TrimSpace(answer) } return val } jiraUsername := getStringFlagOrAskIfEmpty("jira-username", "JIRA username:") jiraToken := getStringFlagOrAskIfEmpty("jira-token", "JIRA password or token:") githubToken := getStringFlagOrAskIfEmpty("github-token", "GitHub token:") url := getStringFlagOrAskIfEmpty("url", "JIRA server URL:") epic := getStringFlagOrAskIfEmpty("epic", "JIRA epic:") repo := getStringFlagOrAskIfEmpty("repository", "GitHub repository:") summary := getStringFlagOrAskIfEmpty("summary", "Ticket summary template:") issueTemplate := getStringFlagOrAskIfEmpty("issue-template", "Ticket description template path:") footerTemplate := getStringFlagOrAskIfEmpty("footer-template", "Github issue footer template path:") issueType, _ := cmd.Flags().GetString("issue-type") labels, _ := cmd.Flags().GetStringSlice("label") project := strings.Split(epic, "-")[0] campaign := &model.Campaign{ Jira: model.ConfigJira{ Url: url, Username: jiraUsername, Token: jiraToken, Project: project, Epic: epic, IssueType: issueType, }, Github: model.ConfigGithub{ Token: githubToken, Repo: repo, Labels: labels, }, Summary: summary, IssueTemplate: issueTemplate, FooterTemplate: footerTemplate, } if err := app.SaveCampaign(campaign, campaignPath); err != nil { ErrorAndExit(cmd, err) } }